Journal Entry #2 - Outreach + Development

We started February with an article published in the ENU (Emerging New Urbanist) Exchange and the CNU Public Square!

“Altadena’s renowned architectural heritage is a patchwork of styles, from Victorian to mid-century modern, but it is best known for bungalows. In the early 20th century, these modest homes proliferated through catalogs that advertised affordable, partially prefabricated structures. Although they came in many styles and configurations, all bungalows shared a common goal: to build the American Dream quickly and economically. That same spirit guides TFCF, which has adopted a similar catalog strategy to help residents rebuild efficiently-designed, pre-approved home models inspired by this Southern California locale. This varied range of home types, sizes, and styles will appropriately reflect the community’s diversity and simultaneously provide a mechanism for retaining Altadena’s historically eclectic architectural character.” - Willem Swârt

Read the full article HERE.

Outreach continues to be a major focus for our team. The past two weeks have been filled with amazing conversations between community leader organizations, Altadena residents, like minded building professionals from across the city, and LA County. Our president Alex presented TFCF’s mission at an AIA (American Institute of Architects) California Desert Chapter showcase event near Palm Springs. Our communication lead, Cynthia, was invited to speak in a webinar hosted by Altadena residents, to introduce TFCF and answer the community’s questions.

The AEC (Architect, Engineer, Contractor) outreach team has also been busy mobilizing architects to create initial concept designs of some Catalog homes. We should have several visuals to share soon. In the meantime, here is one catalog home concept, done by our team member Stephen:

Since launching about a month ago, the energy and reception behind the idea of creating a Catalog of pre-approved, pre-priced, regionally appropriate designs has been overwhelmingly positive across all fronts. We are now looking to grow this organization - not only in its program, but also operations. We have already made great partners, and continue to actively search for funding sources to be able to take on full time staff and progress our mission exponentially. We are also organizing our growing base of dedicated volunteers and continue to develop the framework for the Catalog. With the right resources and expertise, we are confident that the Catalog will become a reality!

Some things to look out for in the near future:

To our AEC community:

We just launched a newsletter specific to industry professionals looking to get involved with the production of the Catalog. To be included on this mailing list, please contact us and specify that you are an architect/designer or engineer/builder. We are also excited to announce our first in-person meet & greet event in Pasadena on February 26th! See more information and register HERE.

To our Altadena community and affected homeowners:

We’ll continue to update you regularly and are planning on putting together a newsletter specific to homeowners with more information on the Catalog program as its developed, general resources for rebuilding, and future community engagement opportunities. We hope to have an community focused in-person event soon to present some initial Catalog designs and hear your stories. TFCF will also be at the We’re All In This Together event on March 1st, from 9 AM to 5 PM, at St. Philip School/Parish in Pasadena hosted by Civic Soul.

To everyone:

Continuing to spread the word, and donating if you are able - supports this organization tremendously. Your donation supports our mission by helping us cover operational costs of the Foundation, along with the research for development of the framework and eventual production of the Catalog. A portion of your donation also contributes to the establishment of a grant that will benefit affected homeowners directly. Donate here. For those who have contributed, and continue to share and engaged with our message, thank you! We truly appreciate your support.

As always - reach out anytime if you have any questions would like to know more, or want to get involved with TFCF. This is a collective movement to rebuild our community, and we would love to have you on our team.

Until Next Time,

The Foothill Catalog

Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@thefoothillcatalog), Facebook, and/or Linkedin for more real time updates.


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